Friday, February 14, 2020

Case 2 scientific investigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Case 2 scientific investigation - Essay Example w Lo and Dmitry Repin, the two scholars utilized psycho physiological equipment to evaluate heart rate, skin conductance and blood pressure on traders executing real-time trading. Results showed that the experienced traders had a lower physiological reactivity to disturbing and abrupt information. Additionally, Oblechner (2004) discovered "emotional stability is equally important for a successful trader." Traders whose emotional reactions to losses and gains on the extreme positive or negative side show poor trading performance meaning a negative relation between emotional reactivity and successful trading behavior. (Lo and Repin, 2005) Overconfident traders have a tendency of trading too frequently and appear to ignore danger signs concerning their positions. According to Biais et al., 2001, overconfidence is related to sub-par performance amongst traders in an experimental environment and that overconfident traders stay with underachieving stock for a long time and sell their winning stocks too early leading to underperformance in the market. Self-awareness is an increased consciousness of ones own emotional and physical state. Traders who have self-awareness have logical reasoning behind all their behaviors and choices. Traders with self-awareness have a high emotional intelligence associated with long term success rate. (Biais et al,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Communication Systems & EMC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Communication Systems & EMC - Essay Example However in the present day, new electronic communication devices are coming up every year. Also the proliferation of technology pertaining to telecommunication is presently witnessing a booming period. With the passage of time new innovations are coming up and the sector is getting better day by day. However along with development, the intensity of threats is also increasing. The risk factor is extremely high as compared to the early days. Hence it becomes an obligation to handle the threats which may come in different forms and from any of the aspects of communication. The report will mainly highlight the issues associated with electronic communication. In the course of the study, the current ICT infrastructure will be clearly portrayed. Furthermore the threats associated with the electronic communication that may take place due to climate change will be also portrayed. The report will also shed light on how the ICT sector will meet the increasing demand of the users to improve and increase the mobile coverage areas, improved machine to machine service and enhanced service of mobile internet. The dependency between the various types of communication approaches will be also emphasized. The types of communication to be covered in this context are wired communication, wireless communication and also communication with the help of fibre system. Lastly the report will illuminate the regulatory changes necessary to deal with such demands. In the present days electronic communication has became a necessity for the business houses. With rapid globalization and cross border transaction there is a growing need and usage of electronic communication throughout the world. Also electronic communication has become necessary for the purpose of managing overseas projects and provides training to the employees. The advancement of technology has facilitated organizations to communicate with their national as well as international division.