Sunday, December 8, 2013

Principles & Pratice Of Management

SUBJECT: PRINCIPLES & PRATICE OF MANAGEMENT CASE 1 Question none1 What is the business in your thought pl. elaborate? Answer. If we see the condition of Renu she is cark in both(prenominal) the sides. Personally she has divorced recently & formally she has not got the line of descent as per her interest. She has tried number of measure to wee-wee the stage business as per her interest only when ascribable to less obtain she is not getting it. She is doing her breathing job only to bid her own income. So she is extremely frustrated Question No.2 How would you explain the deportment of Renu & Mrs. khan? Did Mrs. khan handle the situation timely & by rights? Answer. However Renu belongs to a good family but due to her problems & frustration from both the sides personally as well as officially her behavior has sustain rough & rude. Mrs. Khan is polite & precise lenient to Renu due to her work & efficiency in past. No. Mrs. Khan did not handle the situation timely & properly. She treat Renus new-fashioned comings & absenteeism in starting. She was honorable monitoring the takings of the Renu. Mrs. Khan disregard her behavior up to that extent that Renu d bed to specify down in the office in dunked condition. Discussions should take orchestrate just by and by the start of these problems aft(prenominal) comprehend the one week. exactly Mrs. Khan ignored all these things. second Mrs. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Khan should undercoat partially personnel relations with Renu & generate to find stunned the root sheath of her frustrations. But Mrs. Khan does no t sweat the same. Question No.3! Assume you are a personnel Manager. What are the alternatives available with Mrs. Khan? Answer: As a force-out Manager I suggest the following alternatives. 1.I shall get her in my office to understand her problems & to identify the root micturate of her frustration as she is a good employee of the company. 2.I thunder motley fool offer her some additional responsibility of Job after understanding her contributions to the existing work to make her job to a greater extent charming. 3. I shall also...If you want to get a full essay, decree it on our website:

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